Eda Nur Yanıkova started her career at Vizyon Group in 2011 as an intern. After completing bachelor’s degree in 2016, she prepared for Public Personnel Selection Examination (KPSS) and after that, she had a role as a specialist in accounting services department.
Since 2018, she has been responsible for all official processes like the records, declaration&statements, payrolling and human resources of intragroup companies.
In the same time, she had active roles in organizing vocational-educational programs for both intragroup companies and the other companies that Vizyon provides services.
Yanıkova having roles in determining candidates and organizing educations has worked at Vizyon Group as Human Resources Director since 2022.
She had participated to many different educational programs and seminars and in 2022, she deserved the title of “Public Accountant”.
Marmara University, Banking and Insurance (Bachelor’s Degree)
-Union of Chambers of Certified Public Accountants of Turkey (TÜRMOB)
-Istanbul Chamber of Independent Accountants and Financial Advisors (İSMMMO)
-İstanbul Independent Accountants Association (İSMMMD)